Now if your here to tell me that Peaches are not keto you can turn around and leave, bye keto police! What if I told you that peaches have 10g carbs per 100g and that blueberries have 14g carbs per 100g. Mind blown? Mine was! I have been keto for 2 years next month and I was shocked to know that I could quite easily fit some peaches into my 20g carb allowance!
This recipe is a bit of a mash up of a cobbler and a crumble- best of both worlds! If you are short on carbs sub out the crumble topping it is still just as good and you can use any (keto approved) fruit- I plan to try this recipe with raspberries next!
This dessert (or breakfast I’m not going to judge you) is paired perfectly with mason jar ice cream (I will put a simple recipe below the cobbler)
Alos just note this doesn't have to be made in a skillet, you can make it in a pie dish or ramekins for a single serve option

Serves 4
100g peaches
3 TBS SweetNZ Classic Blend- available here
1/2t Cinnamon
1/4t Xanthan Gum- Available here
Crumble topping
1 TBSP Desiccated coconut
1 TBSP Almond Flour- Available Here
2 TBSP SweetNZ Golden Sweetener- Available here
1 tsp cinnamon
1.5 TBSP cold butter
Cake Layer
1 C Almond Flour- Available here
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 TBSP SweetNZ Classic Blend- Available here
100g Melted butter (cooled)
20g milk of choice (I used un-sweetened cashew milk)
- Pre heat oven to 180 degrees
- Peel and dice peaches
- Combine peaches with 3T sweetener, cinnamon and xanthan gum and set aside
- Combine in a bowl the crumble topping (coconut, almond meal golden sweetener) and mix. Add butter and cut it in or rub between fingers until it resembles bread crumbs
- Set aside
- Now for the cake, combine egg, milk substitute, sweetener, vanilla and butter and mix.
- Slowly add almond meal and mix
- Scatter peaches on the bottom of your skillet (pan, ramekin, whatever)
- Pour your cake mix on top of the peaches- you may think what is she taking about just spoon it over and smear it round- the cake mixtures is supposed to be more dough like than cake like
- Scatter over your crumble topping.
- Cover with tin foil and back for 25 mins
- Remove foil until topping is golden and fruit is bubbling at the sides.
- Serve warm with mason jar ice cream or whipped cream
Simple Mason jar ice cream
150ml cream
3/4t vanilla bean paste
2T SweetNZ Not Icing Sugar- Available here
Add all ingredients into a jar.
Shake the crap out of it until it thickens (about 8-10 mins)
Pop in freezer
Get out of freezer about 5 minutes before using